the consequence

Does everyone deserve a happy ending?

After years of turmoil, my life was finally looking up. I was launching my career as an artist at one of the hottest galleries in New York City, I’d reunited with my family, and most of all, for the first time in my life, I was in love.

In love with a man I never should have allowed to make me his because he was never mine to have.

There was only one thing that could derail my happiness and that was my guilt over my forbidden love for my sister’s boyfriend.
After finally confessing our feelings for each other, Sinclair and I left for Paris, France to experience what our relationship could look like if we were ever free to be together.

Before long, tragedy strikes at the heart of my family, beckoning us back home to face our demons: my sister, a sinister man from my past, and the scrutiny of everyone we know, condemning our happily-ever-after.

evolution of sin #3

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"This was one of those series that is so well written you feel completely involved in this make believe world. You feel like this is all transpiring with people you know. That is story telling at its most elite. "

- April, Amazon Reviewer

"Gianna is such an excellent weaver of stories this is a fantastic conclusion to a trilogy set. She’s done such an amazing job getting you invested into the characters as much as she does getting you glued to the romance scenes!"

- Katie, Goodreads Reviewer

"The Evolution of Sin Series is full of so much heat and emotion, I absolutely loved it! This was a great ending to a story I could not get enough of. Sinclair and Giselle are complex characters that will capture your heart and attention"

- Cindy, Amazon Reviewer