the enslaved duet

It was the biggest day of my life.
Not just because it was my eighteenth birthday, but because it was also the day I was sold to the British Earl of Thornton.
He was beautiful as a Greco-Roman statue, but just as cold and utterly cruel.
He bought me to own me, control me, and use me as a means to an end in a dangerous game between rich men and ancient secret societies.
I never could have known I'd fall in love with him against all odds.
And that in doing so, I'd have to choose between my own freedom and hunting down the demons that haunted us both.
In the end, the decision was never really mine to make.
Because Alexander Davenport would come to claim me even in death.

complete duet box set

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  • Graphic violence
  • Captor/captive
  • Forced piercing
  • Non-con/dub-con sex
  • Primal play
  • Sex slavery
  • BDSM
  • Abuse
  • Death

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"Giana’s writing is next level. You don’t just imagine the way a character or scene looks, because of her poetic descriptors, you smell, taste and can almost touch each scene. Her writing is beautiful, lyrical, and outright intriguing."

- Jacquie, Amazon Reviewer

"Incredible. The journey these two went on was incredible. Heartbreaking, brutal, dark, dominating, worth it all. I feel as though nothing I write will adequately express how phenomenal this duet was. It takes you on such an amazing journey that rivals Greek mythology."

- Jennifer, Amazon Reviewer

"If you are looking for a dark read that has a ton of suspense, hot sexy scenes and perfect storyline, this duet is for you. Giana has a way of painting this beautiful picture with her words, the way she tells a story is just everything! I would highly recommend this book!"

- Lyons, Amazon Reviewer